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Chapter 4 HDF Conventions
Chapter Overview
Byte Order
Naming and Assigning Tags
Using Reference Numbers to Organize Data
Multiple References and File Compaction
Chapter Overview
The specification of HDF described in the previous chapter is not
sufficient to guarantee its success. With a general structure such
as HDF to work with, you may be tempted to create overly clever,
obscure, and complex files, defeating the purpose behind the design
of HDFÑto facilitate the interchange of data among differing
applications, programs, and computer systems. To guard against
these problems, a number of guidelines on the use of HDF are
provided: some are implicit in the discussions in other sections of
this document and others are presented in the NCSA HDF manual.
Additional guidelines not covered elsewhere are introduced in this
Byte Order
The byte-ordering of data stored in memory and on files varies
from machine to machine. It is important to address this
possibility in any software that processes data from files that might
have visited more than one machine.
In most cases, the existence of "byte-swapped" data can be detected
by examining the Machine Type (MT) tag, which is described in
Appendix A. Unfortunately, a program cannot look at the MT
until it has opened an HDF file and looked at the header, so it is
important that the byte order of the header be the same, no matter
what machine is used to create an HDF file. Therefore, to
maintain machine portability when developing software for
machines that swap bytes, you should make sure that the characters
are read and written in the exact order specified (i.e., ^N^C^S^A).
Naming and Assigning Tags
Tags that are to be made available to a general population of HDF
users should be assigned and controlled by NCSA. Tags of this type
are given numbers in the range 8,000 - 15,999. If you have an
application that fits this criterion, contact NCSA at the address
listed on the README page at the beginning of this manual and
specify the tags you would like. For each tag, your specifications
should include a suggested name, information about the type and
structure of the data that the tag will refer to, and information about
how the tag will be used. Your specifications should be similar to
those contained in Appendix A. NCSA will assign you a set of tags
for your application and include your tag descriptions in its
Tags in the range 16,000 - 32,000 are user-definable. That is, you
can assign them for any private application. Of course, if you use
tags in this range you need to be aware that they may conflict with
other people's private tags.
Using Reference Numbers to Organize Data Objects
Reference numbers distinguish between one data object and others
with the same tag. It is often tempting to assign meaning to
reference numbers beyond this distinction. Such uses of reference
numbers are generally discouraged because most HDF software
assumes that reference numbers can be chosen or assigned in any
order, as long as all tag/ref combinations in a file remain unique.
On the other hand, in some situations reference number can be
used easily and effectively to add meaning to a fileÑfor instance,
to provide informal grouping and ordering of data objects. For
example, suppose you want to create a movie out of the images in an
HDF file. The images need to be ordered in some way and each
image needs to be associated with other data objects. In such cases,
you should refer to the following rules to assign reference
numbers, especially among sets of tags that are required to go
1. Assign reference numbers in increasing order.
2. When a companion object is required (for example, image
dimension is needed for images, use the object with the
current reference number. If none exists, use the object with
the next lowest reference number.
3. When there are several combinations, cycle through
reference numbers for each tag type in ascending order in all
combinations that do not break the order.
For example, suppose the following data identifiers are in a file:
IP8[1], ID8[1], RI8[1], RI8[2], IP8[2], IP8[3], IP8[4], RI8[4], RI8[10],
DIL[1], DIL[10]. Objects in the file should be grouped in the order
shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Sample Grouping of
Data Objects in an
HDF File
1 1 1 1 palette[1], dimensions[1], image[1], label[1]
2 1 2 1 change to palette[2] and image[2]
3 1 2 1 change to palette[3]
4 1 4 1 change to palette[4] and image[4]
4 1 10 10 change to image[10] and label[10]
Of course, these conventions only work if all of the programs that
touch a file do so without altering the reference numbering
scheme. If this cannot be guaranteed, you have a second
solutionÑto impose order on the file by means of a sorted, keyed
index. This is a good solution because it can provide random
access as well as ordered access to data; however, it adds a level of
complexity to what might otherwise be a simple sequential file
Multiple References and File Compaction
Multiple references to a single data element are quite common.
The general purpose routine DFdup (see Chapter 2) generates a new
reference to data that is already pointed to by another DD. If DFdup
is used several times, there could be several DDs that point to the
same data element. It is important to note that when such a
multiply referenced data element is moved, the various DDs that
pointed to the data element before it was moved are not
automatically adjusted to point to the data element in its new
For example, when DFaccess is called for write access, the
referenced data is copied to the end of the HDF file to allow the user
to append to that element. The original data is not moved, only
copied. If there are multiple references to that data, then the old
references still point to the old data.
Consequently, compaction of a file should be done in the following
manner. Proceed through the data descriptors in order. For each
descriptor, determine whether the data has already been copied; if
not, copy the data into a new file and update its descriptor. If the
data has already been copied, as in the case of a multiple reference,
then the descriptor should be placed in the new file as a multiple
reference. Any data that no longer has a DD reference should not
be copied to the new file.
After updating elements, you may need to call DFdescriptors
again to make sure that your copy of the descriptors is up-to-date.
Of course, for most programs you will be writing, you only need to
create a completely new file, add elements to an existing file, or
read a pre-existing file. For all of these operations, consistency is
completely handled by the lower level HDF interface, even in the
case of multiple references to the same data.
4.1 NCSA HDF Specifications
HDF Conventions 4.1
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
March 1989
4.1 NCSA HDF Specifications
HDF Conventions 4.1
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
March 1989